It is very difficult to get the publications of foreign countries
in China. But, science is international and worldwide. Chinese linguists
certainly also need to know the research of colleagues from others countries.
I hope that in this small garden we would have much more beautiful flowers
your hands. If you like to transplant your favorites to the garden,
please contact
me. Welcome to our
garden and send me your flowers(reviews) and flower seeds(books).
In this garden, you will find the flowers(reviews) from the
fields: Interlinguistics, Computational Linguistics, Language Planning,
Grammar, Corpus Linguistics and other branches of
The languages of reviews are Chinese, Esperanto, English...
- Wera Blanke (2013) Pri
terminologia laboro en Esperanto. Elektitaj publikaĵoj. Red. Detlev
Blanke. Nov-Jorko: Mondial. 318 paghoj. 评介

- Ulrich Becker (2011, ed.)
Interlinguistik und Esperantologie. Bibliographie der Veröffentlichungen von
Detlev Blanke. Interlingvistiko kaj esperantologio. Bibliografio de la
publikaĵoj de Detlev Blanke. New York: Mondial. 242 Pages.
- Cyril Brosch und Sabine Fiedler
(2011, eds.) Florilegium Interlinguisticum – Festschrift für Detlev
Blanke zum 70. Geburtstag. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang. 424 Pages.

- Bernard Spolsky (2009) Language
management. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp, 308.
- Enoch O. Aboh and Norval Smith
(2009, eds.) Complex processes in new languages. Amsterdam: John
Benjamins. Pp. vii, 409.
- Andreas Künzli (2010) L. L.
Zamenhof (1859-1917): Esperanto, Hillelismus (Homaranismus) und die
"jüdische Frage" in Ost- und Westeuropa. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
Serie Jüdische Kultur Bd. 23, 527 S. 评介

- Detlev Blanke kaj Ulrich Lins
(red. 2010) La arto labori kune. Festlibro por Humphrey Tonkin.
Rotterdam: Universala Esperanto-Asocio. 901 p. ISBN 9789290171133.

- Gobbo, Federico (2009) Fondamenti di interlinguistica ed esperantologia. Pianificazione linguistica
e lingue pianificate. Milano: Edizioni Libreria Cortina. LPLP,
34:3 (2010), 287–289.
- Kelih, Emmerich (2008) Geschichte der Anwendung quantitativer Verfahren in der russischen Sprach-
und Literaturwissenschaft. Studien zur Slavistik, Bd. 19. Hamburg: Kovač.
of Quantitative Linguistics 2010, 17(4): 365-370.
- David Eddington (ed.2009) Quantitative and Experimental Linguistics. LINCOM Handbooks in
Linguistics 23. Muenchen: Lincom GmbH.
- Alain Polguère and Igor A. Mel’čuk
(eds. 2009) Dependency in Linguistic Description. Studies in Language
Companion Series 111. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing
Company. eLanguage.
- Bernard Spolsky (2009) Language
Management. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. eLanguage.
- C.-T. James Huang, Y.-H. Audrey Li
and Yafei Li (2009) The Syntax of Chinese. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
- Xabier Arzoz (ed. 2008)
Respecting Linguistic Diversity in the European Union. Studies in World
Language Problems 2. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
- Koutny, Ilona (Red. 2009)
Abunda Fonto. Memorlibro omaĝe al Prof. István Szerdahelyi. — Poznań:
Prodruk & Steleto. La Ondo de Esperanto. 2010.3
- Thomas Herbst & Susen Schüller
(2008) Introduction to Syntactic Analysis: A Valency Approach. Narr.
212 p.
My review in Chinese
- Gries, Stefan Thomas (2008)
Statistik für Sprachwissenschaftler. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 316 p.
My review in Chinese
- Zhao, Shouhui,
Baldauf, Richard B. Jr. (2008)
Planning Chinese Characters: Reaction, Evolution or Revolution?
Dordrecht: Springer. 420 p.
My review in Chinese
Language Problems & Language Planning 34:3
(2010), 282–284.
- Review for Liddicoat, A.J.
(ed.) (2007)
Language Planning and Literacy. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
- Review for Grzybek, Peter and
Köhler, Reinhard (eds.) (2007)
Exact Methods in the Study of Language and Text. Dedicated to
Gabriel Altmann on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday. Berlin: Mouton de
Gruyter. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
2008, 15(3): 287 – 291.
- Review for
Wanner, Leo (2007) Selected Lexical and
Grammatical Issues in the Meaning-Text Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Publishing Company.
- Review for John E. Joseph (2006)
Language and Politics. Edinburgh University Press.
Problems and Language Planning. 2007(3):302-305.
- Review for Joshua A Fishman (2006) Do Not Leave Your Language Alone. The Hidden Status Agendas Within Corpus Planning in Language Policy.
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Recenzo por Künzli, Andreas (2006) Universalaj Lingvoj en Svislando. Svisa Enciklopedio Planlingva. CDELI/SES La Chaux-de-Fonds. ISBN 2-9700425-2-5.
- Recenzo por
Katalin Kovàts (red.)
Manlibro pri instruado de Esperanto (2a eld).
Esperanto@Interreto / ILEI, 2005. 150 paĝoj. La Ondo de Esperanto. 2007(10):
Review for Su-chiao Chen
The Spread of English in Taiwan. Changing Uses and
Shifting Attitudes.
Crane Publishing Co., Ltd. 2003. 246 pp. LPLP, 2007(1): 70-73.
- Recenzo por
Esperanto priamou metódou. Stano Marček.
Stano Marček. Martin. 2006. 114 paĝoj. Esperanto per rekta metodo. Stano
Marček. Stano Marček. Martin. 2006. 110 paĝoj. Instruaj bildoj por rektmetoda
instruado. Linda Marčeková. Stano Marček. Martin. 2006. Instruaj bildoj por rektmetoda
instruado. Linda Marčeková. Stano Marček. Martin. 2006.
Aŭdo-vida konversacia kurso de
Esperanto por progresintoj. Stano Marček. Stano Marček. Martin. 2006. La Ondo de Esperanto. 2007:
- Duliĉenko, Aleksandr Dmitrijeviĉ (2006) En la serĉado de la mondolingvo, aŭ interlingvistiko por ĉiuj / Tradukis el la rusa Aleksander Korĵenkov. — Kaliningrado: Sezonoj, 2006. — 160 paĝoj. — (Serio Scio; №7).
Antaŭparolo-Pri la aŭtoro-Detala enhavtabelo. Recenzo en Esperanto
- Review for Geoffrey R. Sampson (2005)
The 'Language
Instinct' Debate. Revised Edition. Continuum International Publishing
Group Ltd.
Review for: Tessa Carroll.
Language Planning and Language Change in Japan.
Richmond: Curzon Press, 2001. 276 pp. (In English)
In "Language Problems and Language Planning" 2005(2):
- Robert B. Kaplan and Richard B. Baldauf Jr.
Language and Language-in-Education Planning in the Pacific Basin. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. 276 pp. Language Problems and Language Planning.
95-98. in English.
Jacques Maurais and Michael A.
Morris (eds.) Languages in a
globalising world, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003.
345 pp. LPLP
- Tamen senĉese frapantaj
(Recenzo: Fake pri Esperanto kaj Esperante pri sciencoj). La Ondo de Esperanto. 2006:
Koutny, Ilona.
etvortaro pri Homa vivo kaj Loĝado. — Poznań: Prodruk, 2005.
- Review for Feng Zhiwei (2004)
Studies of Machine Translation. Beijing: zhonguo duiwai fanyi
chuban gongsi. p. 841. Chinese
Science & Technology Translators Journal 2005(4): 59-61.
- Gerhard Helbig (2002) Linguistische Theorien der Moderne.
Berlin: Weidler Buchverlag. 394 pp.
- Review for: Carstensen, Kai-Uwe; Ebert, Christian; Endriss, Cornelia;
Jekat, Susanne; Klabunde, Ralf; Langer, Hagen (2001, ed.) Computerlinguistik
und Sprachtechnologie. Eine
Einführung. Heidelberg/Berlin: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

- Review for: Jurafsky, Daniel; James H. Martin (2000) Speech
and Language Processing. An introduction to natural language processing,
computational linguistics, and speech recognition. New Jersey:
Prentice Hall.

- Review
for: Maffi, Luisa, ed. (2001) On Biocultural Diversity: Linking Language,
Knowledge, and the Environment. Smithsonian Institution Press, ISBN:
1-56098-905-X/1-56098-930, xxi+578pp.

- Review for: Kempson, Ruth, Meyer-Viol, Wilfried, and Gabbay, Dov (2001):
Dynamic Syntax: The Flow of Language Understanding.
Blackwell Publishers, paperback ISBN: 0-631-17613-6,xii+348pp. In English.
13.2219. Prof. R. Hausser smooth my English in this review, Thanks.
You can also read another
review of same book in same list, but by other scholar.
- Review
for: Can threatedned languages be
saved? Edited by Joshua A. Fishman.
Clevedon: Multilingual
Matters LTD. p. 503. 2001. In Chinese.

- A Chinese Review for:
Inderjeet Mani (2001): Automatic
Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN
9027249865. P. 285. In Chinese.

- A Review
for: John Holm (2000): An
to pidgins and creoles. Cambridge Textbooks in linguistics.
Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-58581-3. 282 pp. In Chinese.

- Recenzo
por Frank Nuessel (2000): The Esperanto Language. Ottawa: Legas. ISBN
153 p. En Esperanto. Aperis en LPLP 2000/3.
- A
Review of Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove (2000).
Linguistic genocide in education - or worldwide diversity and human rights?
Mahwah, NJ & London, UK: Lawrence
Associates, xxxiii+785 pp. ISBN 0-8058-3468-0.
Click here for tabel
of contents. Click here to read the review in Esperanto.
- "A ecological view of language planning".
A review of Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B. (1997). Language planning
from practice to theory. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd. &
R. B., & Baldauf, R. B. (1999). Language planning in Malawi,
and the Philippines. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd.
In Chinese.

- "Real computational linguistics?!"
. A review of Roland Hausser. Foundations of Computational
Linguistics: Man-Machine Communication in Natural Language. 534
P. 1999. Grundlagen der Computerlinguistik:
Mensch- Maschine - Kommunikation in
572 S. 2000.Berlin-New York: Springer-Verlag. In Chinese.

- "New Horizons in Applied
Linguistics" . A review for Feng Zhiwei.
(2000). Comprehensive Introduction of Applied Linguistcs . (YINGYONG
YUYANXUE ZONGLUN), Guangzhou: Guangdong Jiaoyu Chubanshe. In Chinese.

- "Linguistic Rights is also Human
Rights". A review of Miklos Kontra, Robert Phillipson, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas,
Tibor Varady. (Eds.). 1999. Language: A Right and a Resource. Approaching
Linguistic Human Rights. Budapest: Central European University Press.

- "Language and Cognition"
A review of Cuenca, M. J., & Hilferty, J. (1999). Introducci
ón a la
lingüística cognitiva. Barcelona:
Editorial Ariel.

- A review
by Tazio Carlevaro for Marina YAGUELLO: "
Les fous du langage. Des langues
et de leurs inventeurs". Paris 1984:
Seuil. In
- "Aga Magera Difura Dizionario delle
lingue immaginarie", In:
Language Problems and Language Planning.
1998.3. p. 288-290. in Esperanto. Se vi konas Italan, b.v. legi
la elstaran
kaj detalegan recenzon de Tazio Carlevaro
pri la interesa libro.
- "
Kiel evoluas interlingvistiko?
"(The development of Interlinguistics), in
"Language Problems and Language Planning"
, 1999. 23(1). p. 65-77. This is a review about two
books: Blanke,
D. (1985). Internationale Plansprachen, eine Einführung
Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.; Sakaguchi, A. (1998). Interlinguistik. Gegenstand,
Ziele, Aufgaben, Methoden. Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang Verlag. In Esperanto.
- "Gramatiko naski
ĝas el tekstaro"(Grammar comes
from Corpus),
A review of "Gledhill,
C. (1998/2000). The Grammar of
Esperanto. A corpus-based description.
" 100/151 pp. in
"Esperanto studies/Esperantologio"
, 2000. 2. In Esperanto.
- "Creoles or planned languages:
which have the simpler grammar?"
A review of "Heil, Anett (1999),
Reduktion in Frankokreolsprachen und Plansprachen. Rostocker
Romanistische Arbeiten.
Band 2
. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang." in
, 2000.
2. In English.
- Marc van Oostendorp: Recenzo
de: D. Blanke, R. McCoy kaj O. Buller (red.)
Por aktiva lingvopolitiko. Aktoj
de la lingvopolitika seminario en la 81-a UK de Esperanto.
Prago 1996.
Rotterdam, UEA, 1999.
- "New
Landscape of Machine Translation"
A review to "Feng Zhiwei (1995). New Introduction for MT of natural language"
. in "Terminology standardization and information technology", 1998(1).
In Chinese.

Fervoja Terminaro en China-Esperanta-Angla
Lingvo/General Dictionary of Railway Terms in Chinese-Esperanto-English.
Chefredaktoro/Chief editor: Li Sen. 1999. 10. Huhehote: CHFEA/CREA. 610
p. Vere
bonega teminaro pri Fervojo, tamen certe ne nur utilas al fervojistoj.
here for more detail information.